About Christopher Turk

Christopher Turk pastor

Christopher was the lead elder/pastor of the local Christian church in Penticton, British Columbia. He has a dedication to serving his Lord’s church and a pulpit competence that honors the legacy of his predecessor. Christopher is a passionate visionary for the Lord and His Kingdom! His church ministry background spans over 30 years of full-time service.

Christopher was forced to retire due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He had to make the difficult decision to close his church to ensure the safety of his congregation during the pandemic.

However, he was not content with simply stepping away from his ministry. Drawing upon his many years of experience and extensive knowledge of the Bible, Christopher recognized that there were many questions and misconceptions about sin that were commonly held among Christians.

In an effort to continue to share his insights and teachings, Christopher founded SinsInTheBible.com, a blog dedicated to exploring the nature of sin and its place in the Bible. Through his thoughtful and engaging writing, Christopher seeks to educate and inspire readers to deepen their understanding of this crucial topic, and to live their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Bible.

In this blog, Christopher will cover the most common questions related to sins in the Bible!