How Long Does It Take To Read The Bible?

Nearly half of the books in the Bible can be read in less than thirty minutes. In fact, twenty-three books in the Bible can be completed in under twenty minutes! To put it into perspective, that’s equivalent to watching one episode of a show on Netflix.

Considering the amount of time we often spend scrolling through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter on a typical morning, it’s clear that finding time for a quick read through these biblical texts is undoubtedly feasible.

In this article, we will provide time estimations for reading the different sections of the Bible. 

Understanding the Purpose of Reading the Bible

The Bible serves as a guidebook for navigating life’s challenges, offering wisdom, comfort, and moral teachings. Delving into its verses opens us to transformative experiences and a deeper connection with our faith.

It is not just about reading the words on the page but about reflecting on their meaning and allowing them to resonate within us.

The Bible encourages us to engage in quiet reflection and meditation, where we can ponder its messages and apply them to our lives.

Each individual’s journey with the Bible is unique, and it is important to find our own reading pace and rhythm, allowing the words to sink into our hearts and minds. 

Time Estimate Overview

Here is an overview of how long it takes to read each book in the Bible (New and Old Testament).

New Testament
Matthew 2.5 hours
Mark 1.5 hours
Luke 2.5 hours
John 2 hours
Acts 2.25 hours
Romans 1 hour
1 Corinthians 1 hour
2 Corinthians 40 minutes
Galatians 20 minutes
Ephesians 20 minutes
Philippians 14 minutes
Colossians 13 minutes
1 Thessalonians 12 minutes
2 Thessalonians 7 minutes
1 Timothy 16 minutes
2 Timothy 11 minutes
Titus 7 minutes
Philemon 3 minutes
Hebrews 45 minutes
James 16 minutes
1 Peter 16 minutes
2 Peter 10 Minutes
1 John 16 minutes
2 John 2 minutes
3 John 2 minutes
Jude 4 minutes
Revelation 1.25 hours


Old Testament
Genesis 3.5 hours
Exodus 3 hours
Leviticus 2 hours
Numbers 3 hours
Deuteronomy 2.5 hours
Joshua 1.75 hours
Judges 1.75 hours
Ruth 15 minutes
1-2 Samuel 4 hours
1-2 Kings 4.25 hours
1-2 Chronicles 4.5 hours
Ezra 40 minutes
Nehemiah 1 hour
Esther 30 minutes
Job 1.75 hours
Psalms 5 hours
Proverbs 1.75 hours
Ecclesiastes 30 minutes
Song 20 minutes
Isaiah 3.75 hours
Jeremiah 4 hours
Lamentations 20 minutes
Ezekiel 3.75 hours
Daniel 1.25 hours
Hosea 30 minutes
Joel 12 minutes
Amos 25 minutes
Obadiah 4 minutes
Jonah 8 minutes
Micah 20 minutes
Nahum 8 minutes
Habakkuk 9 minutes
Zephaniah 10 minutes
Haggai 7 minutes
Zechariah 40 minutes
Malachi 11 minutes

On average, the Bible contains approximately 783,137 words. The sheer volume of content contributes to the overall time required for reading.

Each individual has their own unique reading speed and level of comprehension. Some people read faster than others, while some prefer a slower pace to absorb the meaning and nuances of the text.

Bottom Line

Reading the entire Bible may seem daunting at first, but with a consistent and dedicated approach, it is more achievable than we might think. You can make significant progress by allocating just a few minutes each day.

For instance, reading only 12 minutes a day can lead to completing the entire Bible within a year. Alternatively, dedicating 6 minutes daily will allow you to complete reading the entire New Testament in six months.

The key lies in cultivating the habit of daily Bible reading, regardless of the pace. By making it a regular part of your routine, you will be amazed by how much you can read and absorb over a relatively short period of time.

Pastor Christopher Turk
Pastor Christopher Turk

Christopher was the lead elder/pastor of the local Christian church in Penticton, British Columbia but he was forced to close his church due to a COVID-19 impact. He has a dedication to serving his Lord's church and a pulpit competence that honors the legacy of his predecessor. Christopher is a passionate visionary for the Lord and His Kingdom! His church ministry background spans over 30 years of full-time service. Support Christian by buying him a coffee.

Articles: 154