Interpreting the Bible’s Perspective on Crystals: Divine Reflections in Gemstones

Crystals have captivated the interest of many people. They have many mystical qualities, which are frequently used for healing. There is a widespread idea that these crystals can promote spiritual development and catalyze positive life transformations.

Given this context, it becomes pertinent to consider the appropriateness of engaging in practices involving crystal healing and harnessing crystal power. But what does the Bible say about believing in crystals?

Are Crystals and Precious Stones Mentioned in the Bible?

Throughout the Bible, precious stones are often mentioned in connection with the high priest’s breastplate, temple adornments, and descriptions of heavenly realms.

In Exodus 28:15-21, detailed instructions are given for crafting the breastplate of judgment, which is adorned with twelve precious stones. These stones represent each one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Rubies (Proverbs 8:11), sapphires (Lamentations 4:7), and topaz (Job 28:19) are also mentioned in the Bible.

Apart from its references in the Old Testament, the New Testament also alludes to crystals within the New Heaven and New Earth context. The depiction of the river within this celestial realm is likened to the clarity of crystal (Revelation 22:1).

Furthermore, the expanse in front of God’s throne is portrayed as possessing the same crystalline clarity (Revelation 4:6). 

In Revelation 21:19-21, the description of the heavenly Jerusalem includes a portrayal of its walls being adorned with various precious stones. This imagery highlights the splendor and magnificence of God’s dwelling place.

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Beliefs About Crystals

Aside from their visual appeal as mineral formations, crystals have been used in crystal healing, a pseudoscientific technique that claims the power to cure various ailments. Advocates of crystal healing argue that strategically placing crystals on a patient’s body can align or energize the body’s chakras, helping the healing process.

Moreover, some individuals ascribe an intrinsic power to crystals, harnessing their potential for personal gain. For some, crystals function as safeguards against evil spirits or negative energies, thereby ushering in auspicious fortune.

In feng shui, a practice emphasizing harmony between individuals and their environment is rooted in the belief that crystals emit positive vibrations. Yet, it’s noteworthy that crystals that accumulate excessive negative energies while safeguarding a space need a “cleansing” procedure to recalibrate their vibrational essence.

Crystal Healing and Occult Activities

When examining the viability of using crystals for healing intents, it’s important to remember that many people who advocate for crystal healing have ties to occult traditions.

The term “occult” comes from the word “hidden,” it refers to the study and application of supernatural energies, influences, and occurrences that frequently elude conventional physical awareness. These aspects are commonly seen as being outside the scope of standard scientific research.

Occult practitioners believe that human beings and our world’s very fabric are filled with hidden supernatural energy. The idea that these energies can be harnessed and steered through the use of “sacred stones,” such as crystals and various talismans, is central to their belief system. 

What Does The Bible Say About Crystal Beliefs?

All these superstitious notions surrounding crystals lack a biblical foundation. The Bible does not endorse the idea that crystals hold the power to attract wealth, ignite romantic feelings, or repel malevolent entities. Nor does it assert that crystals serve as conduits for connecting with the divine spirit. On the contrary, the Bible vehemently cautions against any involvement with superstitions and the occult.

The practice of the occult is explicitly condemned by God, deeming it abhorrent (Deuteronomy 18:10–12), and witchcraft is categorized alongside idolatry as inherently ungodly (Galatians 5:19–21).

Even if using crystals as charms, amulets, or talismans appears benign, it aligns with occult practices. Any endeavor that seeks to manipulate the spiritual realm can be categorized as a form of witchcraft.

The superstitious manipulation of crystals is another example of humanity’s fallen nature, corrupting God’s handiwork for wicked goals. Crystals are indisputably beautiful expressions of God’s artistry that can be used to decorate homes or to adorn oneself with jewelry.

However, imbuing them with mystical powers is baseless. Utilizing crystals for protective or healing purposes, at its core, embodies idolatrous behavior. It relies on spiritual forces apart from God for healing and protection, thereby worshiping beings other than God.

The Bible consistently and explicitly forbids idolatry (Deuteronomy 4:15–20; Jeremiah 44:1–4; 1 Corinthians 10:14–20; 2 Corinthians 6:16–17).

Bottom Line

The allure of crystals, captivating in their beauty and mysterious charm, has led many to attribute mystical powers to them, particularly in healing and spiritual enhancement. While these practices may resonate with individuals seeking alternative avenues for growth and well-being, examining such pursuits through the lens of biblical insight is essential.

Acknowledging that many proponents of crystal healing practices have ties to occult traditions is crucial. The Bible highlights the dangers of engaging in practices associated with the occult, which often intersect with crystal healing and mystical beliefs. The scriptures repeatedly warn against manipulating spiritual forces apart from God and idolatrous practices that divert worship from the Creator.

While crystals possess a captivating allure and can serve as exquisite adornments, attributing supernatural or healing powers to them rests on shaky ground when evaluated against biblical teachings.

As a community pastor for many years, I always urge believers to align their beliefs and practices with God’s guidance and avoid engaging with practices that divert from His truth.

Pastor Christopher Turk
Pastor Christopher Turk

Christopher was the lead elder/pastor of the local Christian church in Penticton, British Columbia but he was forced to close his church due to a COVID-19 impact. He has a dedication to serving his Lord's church and a pulpit competence that honors the legacy of his predecessor. Christopher is a passionate visionary for the Lord and His Kingdom! His church ministry background spans over 30 years of full-time service. Support Christian by buying him a coffee.

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