Who Wrote the Book of Acts in the Bible?

The Book of Acts has traditionally been attributed to Luke, who was a companion of the Apostle Paul. This traditional ascription is primarily rooted in the early Christian tradition, which identifies Luke as the author. Additionally, Luke is acknowledged as the writer of the Gospel of Luke, often regarded as a companion volume to Acts.

Who is Luke?

Luke 6:13-16 reveals that Luke was not counted among Jesus’ disciples. Although the gospels do not mention him, we can gather enough details to determine that he was a devoted servant of God.

In the Book of Acts, we discover that Luke accompanied Paul as a fellow worker during his missionary journeys. In the latter part of Acts, Luke employs inclusive pronouns like “we,” “us,” and “our,” indicating his presence on numerous occasions alongside Paul.

Luke’s profession as a physician is mentioned in Colossians 4:14, further supporting the traditional view that he authored the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Moreover, Luke’s emphasis on the healing ministry of Jesus and his attention to detail align with the meticulousness expected from a physician.

Why Luke Wrote The Book of Acts?

Luke wrote the book of Acts with a focus on Gentiles who were interested in understanding the historical origins of Christianity. He aimed to highlight the religious devotion, moral integrity, and political innocence of Jesus’ followers while presenting Christianity as a universal faith that originated from Judaism but was open to people from all backgrounds.

In contrast to Luke’s Gospel, which progressed towards Jerusalem, Acts progressed towards Rome, symbolizing the center of the world. The narrative emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling this progress.

Although Luke does not cover the spread of Christianity to regions like Egypt or the East, he includes recurring statements summarizing the success of the gospel wherever it was preached, highlighting the growth of the word of God and the increasing number of disciples in Jerusalem (Acts 6:7; 12:24; 16:5; 19:20).

Luke also pays special attention to demonstrating that Christianity should be granted freedom because it is rooted in Judaism, a religion with legal recognition and poses no threat to the Roman government.

Alternative Theories

While the traditional view of Luke as the author of Acts is widely accepted, some scholars have proposed alternative theories. One prominent theory suggests that Acts was written by an anonymous historian who used various sources to compile the book. According to this viewpoint, the author would have incorporated eyewitness accounts and other written materials to create a comprehensive historical record.

Another theory proposes that Acts was written by a disciple of Luke or someone within his circle, using his notes and teachings. This hypothesis assumes that the author was closely connected to Luke and had access to his firsthand knowledge of the events.


The question of who wrote the Book of Acts remains a subject of scholarly inquiry, but the traditional attribution to Luke carries considerable weight. Luke’s status as a trusted companion of Paul, his meticulous approach to historical accuracy, and the shared characteristics between the Gospel of Luke and Acts provide strong evidence for his authorship.

While alternative theories exist, they have yet to gain widespread acceptance among scholars. Regardless of the author’s identity, the Book of Acts is a valuable historical document, providing insights into the early development of the Christian Church.

Pastor Christopher Turk
Pastor Christopher Turk

Christopher was the lead elder/pastor of the local Christian church in Penticton, British Columbia but he was forced to close his church due to a COVID-19 impact. He has a dedication to serving his Lord's church and a pulpit competence that honors the legacy of his predecessor. Christopher is a passionate visionary for the Lord and His Kingdom! His church ministry background spans over 30 years of full-time service. Support Christian by buying him a coffee.

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